Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rolling Bears

A recent conversation I had with Jory...  Some backstory: he's been collecting dice.  Yes, dice.  After we found some in the house he saw how excited I was because as he started rolling them I was calling the outcome like a casino croupier.  Now he just likes counting the pips and asking whether that roll would have made me any money.  Anyway...  (I have scaled back on the Craps lessons....)

J:"Oh man, I just rolled a hard 3"

R: "You can't roll a hard 3, you can roll a hard 4,6,8 and 10"

J: "Well, rolling bears is hard..."

I had to pause for a second at this comment... It then occurred to me that some of the dice I bought for him were from the hobby shop "scrap dice bin".  A specific pair of dice that caught my eye had little bears instead of 1's.  I have no idea what game these are from, but whatever, I knew he'd get a kick out of them.

R: "You're right, rolling bears is hard!"

(I found the game!  Link)


  1. Have you given him "gamer" dice? Or pigs? (
